After letting this one sink in for a few weeks, I can say with certainty that, as a complete record, This Is Happening will be the most lasting LCD Soundsystem effort to date. Lyrically, both James Murphy's keen sense of self-awareness and penchant for writing songs packed with social commentary continue over to LCD's third LP. Sonically, there are elements of kraut, punk, robot funk, and disco which basically translate to straight up jamz. The one misstep LCD makes on the record is first single Drunk Girls, which is a bit of an underestimation of the fanbase's intelligence...but with that being said, the song is most likely on the record due to it's length and 'single appeal' (all other songs on the album are between 6-9 minutes long). Bands have to eat too. Bonus points go for the cover art which brings to mind Robert Longo's Men In The Cities work.
Click HERE to check out one of the better albums you'll hear this year. Pinky swear.
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